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Stock Photo #6328: keywords -  aerobic athlete athletic blue condition conditioning exercise exercising exert exerting exertion fit fitness flex flexibility flexible flexing glass health horz indoor knee leg limber loose loosen loosening mirror muscle physical physically recreation reflection relax relaxed relaxing released sport strength strengthen strengthening stretch stretching summer tone vitality warmup woman

F078W16.JPG -  released woman stretching at mirror
To order this photo contact Gibson Stock Photography.
Mark or Audra Gibson

Gibson Stock Photography specialists in stock photos of North American people, cities, agriculture, architecture, historic sites, industry and technology, natural resources, national parks, sports and recreation, transportation and energy, aerials, and travel destinations.

Words used to describe this picture: stock photo photos photography aerobic athlete athletic blue condition conditioning exercise exercising exert exerting exertion fit fitness flex flexibility flexible flexing glass health horz indoor knee leg limber loose loosen loosening mirror muscle physical physically recreation reflection relax relaxed relaxing released sport strength strengthen strengthening stretch stretching summer tone vitality warmup woman stock photo photos photography