To see this photo and many thousands of other top quality color stock photographs, visit and search our online picture library of American cities, sports, agriculture, travel destinations, families, nature, industry, occupations, and children. Sample stock photos are available for download through a simple online sign-up program. We have stock photography of abstracts and many other graphic images.

To see this photo and many thousands of other top quality color stock photographs, visit and search our online picture library of American cities, sports, agriculture, travel destinations, families, nature, industry, occupations, and children. Sample stock photos are available for download through a simple online sign-up program. We have stock photography of abstracts and many other graphic images.

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Pattern Patterns Multiple Exposures
Abstracts Abstraction Abstractions
Texture Prisms Neon
Soft Focus Geometric Geometrical
Geometry Ripples Lighting
Reflections Night Fireworks
Flames Smoke